All digital concept

The GEEK 3D culture of its founders and the organization of our companies (since 2001 in Asia and 2010 in South America), led us very early to an exclusive use of digital: 
          - Sharing of knowledge and projects in the cloud & nbsp 
          - Centralization of graphic information on a 3D model 
          - Extraction of plans and reports from the 3D model 
          - Implementation of technical and qualitative standards 
          - Virtual reality simulations of all project impacts: 
                 - security, 
                 - maintenance, 
                 - environment, ...
From existing to 3D model
 Powering the cloud and making the customer site available involves making a digital copy of the existing 
Since 2010, we have been using our 3D laser scanners (LIDAR technology) in combination with our basement radars to reconstruct your existing 3D space in a non-invasive or destructive manner. 
This method is supplemented by photogrammetry and measurement techniques for non-graphical data. 
This as it exists, materialized by a point cloud, is then entirely or partially reconstituted into intelligent vector objects to become a "smart model". 
The reconstruction is carried out using software currently available such as FARO Point Sense and thanks to our developments around the PCL (Point Cloud Library). 
More details on our site :

From 3D model to studies

The various trades study and intervene on the cloud in order to develop the project and carry out all of the deliverables. 
The 3D design is carried out with the software of your choice, SP VISION having the skills and experience with most of the current software from publishers such as: 
       - HEGAGON PPM (SmartPlant), 
       - AVEVA (PDMS, E3D), 
From 3D model to plans

All deliverables come from the project cloud and each document is subject to a technical and normative compliance check. 
The 3D graphic elements are also checked using Kameleon, our virtual reality construction simulator.